New Line of Embellished Fabric Hoops


I’ve recently added a new line of Embellished Fabric Hoop Art pieces to my ETSY SHOP! Each piece uses a unique piece of fabric that I’ve embellished with a combination of embroidery, buttons, beads and/or mini pom poms. I will be adding more designs regularly as I discover fabrics and designs. It’s been so much fun!


Adorable Woodland Embellished Fabric Hoop Art

It all started when I found a bolt of fabric that seemed to lend itself to a perfect circular scene. Ideas began running through my head as I bought the fabric and planned the embellishments! I made one for myself, then ended up giving it to my first momma, so I need to make myself another one. :> Here is the one that started it all:


I LOVE these adorable woodsy scenes!!


Pretty Flowered Embellished Fabric Hoop Art


Eclectic Blue and Green Flowered Embellished Fabric Hoop Art


Eclectic Blue and Green Flowered Embellished Fabric Hoop Art


Eclectic Blue and Green Flowered Embellished Fabric Hoop Art

It’s always great to have hand work at the ready, and this project easily lends itself to my changing moods or tastes or the different sides of my personality! :>

So many patterns and colors to catch my whimsy! I’m already working on the next unique and special piece!

So hop on over to my SHOP and peruse…keep checking back for new hoop artwork!

Modest Monday: Pink and White


I was going to hold off a bit longer on modesty posts, and move forward with the Ireland posts, but I decided to sneak one in anyway, as I’ve missed them! I’ll still post some Ireland photos today as well! :>

Here’s what I wore to church yesterday: pink and white theme. I just HAD to make a quick hair flower for the side pony!


I love my new white cardigan from WalMart, and the necklace I won from The Shopping Lounge has pink flowers on it so I got to wear it!





I really wanted to wear my white wedges, but alas, with my heel and arch issues, plus an injury from all of the daily walking in Europe, I had to revert to my less clunky Sanita’s instead. Sometimes you can’t wear the shoes that look the best!

Overall, I was pretty happy with the “new” outfit! :>

modest mondays 3


Jesse Wilcox Smith~ On His Knee

10,000 Visits Means a GIVEAWAY!


Over the weekend, my blog reached 10,000 hits! I can’t believe it! 10,000 times, people have come over  to read my blog!!! WOW!!

So, as a thank you, I’m having a GIVEAWAY!!!

And since it’s almost summer, I’m giving away something related to summer…Bicycle Vases!! I’m giving away a Bicycle Vase Package, including 3 vases, 1 mini, 1 medium and 1 large, in your choice of colors! Mix and match any way that pleases your fancy! Only need one? Give the others as gifts!



Head over to my Etsy Shop and tell me which style and color of Bicycle Vase is your favorite! And, if you want more chances, do those too! Giveaway ends Sunday night. ( I was hoping to use a giveaway widget, but WordPress makes it too much of a trial, so….I will randomly pick a winner from the comments by putting the numbers into a hat and having my Sweetie pick one).



Again, thank you all for all of the love and support!! Whoo Hoo! Have Fun!

Modest Monday: Our Heroes


I’m donating my Modest Monday post for this week to the heroes who have given their lives to protect our freedoms. As the days pass, we are recognizing more and more just how precious those freedoms are, and our need to protect them becomes more clear every single day. I’m thankful that there are people willing to risk, and even give their lives to keep us safe!


Credit: I found this one on Facebook…


I love this shirt (from WalMart a few years ago?), because they added femininity to it with the flowers. I don’t look for the usual Americana clothing, but something modest and feminine!


I added my adorable cowgirl boots from Kohl’s with my  thrifted denim skirt. :>


I don’t often wear denim, not my favorite, but I like to wear it for “Americana” holidays.


Our town has an amazing Memorial Day program every year!



As you enjoy this day of family and relaxation, also take a moment to be thankful for the people that choose to fight for our protection every day. And thank God for being the ultimate Protector and life giver, who gave the ultimate sacrifice when His Son gave His life to save ALL of us! I choose to follow Him and receive the benefits of being called His child and receiving His forgiveness.

Thank you to the soldiers who follow in Christ’s example of being willing to sacrifice their lives for my benefit!

modest mondays 3



Welcome Home Wednesdays

Modest Monday: White, Pink and Black Flowered Dress


FINALLY…a Modest Monday post! I’m finally beginning to return to the land of the living, after nearly a full week of shlumping around the house with no focus or energy! So here’s what I wore 2 Sundays ago.

I wore this pink, white and black dress, from Marshall’s a few years ago I believe, with a white Halftee for modesty. I wore it with a black cardigan from a thrift store, a pink plumeria flower necklace from Mervyn’s several years ago, and my pink heart earrings.


My Sweetie caught me talking with my hands in this one! :>





Have a lovely day!

Modest Monday: Pink and Blue for a Bridal Shower


Saturday I attended the bridal shower of our pastor’s daughter. It was an afternoon filled with fun, laughter and love for this beautiful young woman to be married early this summer! Her sister wore a beautiful dress I tried not to be jealous of (I always love her style!), and her maid of honor, best friend was charming and sweet. I felt like I made a new friend! So, we all had a great time showing the bride-to-be our love and joy for her future with her sweetheart. :>

I’m sharing what I wore to this lovely shower for today’s Modest Monday with the Modest Mom. And if you haven’t heard of her modest clothing company yet, pop on over to Deborah and Co. and see what she has to offer.


It was a hot day and I was thankful for my haftee to wear under this sleeveless dress! I really do plan to talk about these soon…

I wore a pink flower hairpin in my braid an the pink heart earrings that have been getting a lot of wear lately!


I’ve had this dress for quite a while and can’t remember where I bought it…maybe Mervyn’s?


Here are a couple of scenes from the shower:

That pretty dress.


And the rehearsal bouquets I made for the bride and maid of honor out of all of the ribbons and bows.


Modest Monday: Casual Outfit with Lilac Cardigan


A few days ago, I decided that this week I would share a casual, everyday outfit for this week’s Modest Monday with the Modest Mom. I was wearing this outfit to run a bunch of errands around our town and the neighboring town.   But this lilac cardigan is so pretty, I thought it made the outfit share worthy. Then I decided to wear it Sunday, as we would be in “town” all day, and I wanted something comfy and versatile for the cool morning, warm afternoon and cool early evening. Our climate is desert-like here. So here’s one of my go-to outfits I LOVE!!



I bought this lovely cardigan at Mervyn’s, before my favorite store closed.

The black top is an old one from Sears. Shoes are my Sanita Merrie faves. And the skirt is from Kohl’s? a few months ago.

And the flower clip is something I just bought at the Dollar Tree a few days ago! I just love it!!


(Please pardon the dirt on the hem of the skirt. I think I dragged it while carrying it out, because I’m short!)



The pretty earrings were a gift from my sweetie, but came from Kohl’s.


Do have favorite go-to outfits?



Modest Monday: Pretty and Feminine


Last week I posted about a couple of items I hadn’t worn yet. This morning I was debating between them for church. One of those items was this absolutely LOVELY blouse I bought in Solvang the last weekend of December. And I chose that one for today, but I paired it with the navy linen skirt instead of the turquoise because they were a better compliment to each other. It turned out others were wearing tops with pretty necklines today as well! FUN!

These Lisa Leonard earrings were the PERFECT pairing to this blouse! A PERFECT color match! I just LOVE it when that happens!!!


My sweetie graciously took photos for me this time! YAY!




I’m wearing it with this skirt this weekend to the Choose Joy Conference.


Same old Sanitas, although it is a new pair of the same style!


And I FINALLY bought my first Halftees, so you’ll be hearing about/seeing those later.

What are you wearing?

You can find more modest ideas at The Modest Mom:


Shop Sale!


I kept wondering if I should have a December sale in the SHOP, but I also knew how busy the month can be and decided I just shouldn’t add that to my plate. My sweetie keeps encouraging me to take on less at Christmastime to reduce my stress level, and I’ve been taking his advice. The only gifts I made this year were food gifts. So, there was no December sale, but…

If you haven’t heard about this yet, I’m having a January sale for the entire month! EVERYTHING in the SHOP is 15% OFF for the entire month! Just use the COUPON CODE: 15OFFJAN for ANYTHING in the SHOP!

Tea Cozies


Dressform Pincusion


Bicycle Vases


Floral Hat Headbands


Miniature Bicycle Vases


Crocheted Purse


Irish Headband


Floral Headbands in Many Colors



Fabric Paperdolls









So head on over to the SHOP now to take advantage of the January sale! :>
