Modest Monday: Melon Stripes



My husband tried some different angles this week for our photos. He was in the mood for something different I guess. 🙂


I just bought this skirt on clearance for $3 yesterday! It’s so fun and colorful, I couldn’t wait to wear it!! I wore it with an old thrift store top with small ruffles on the sleeves and neckline, and my favorite Etsy necklace. I find I have so many more things to wear this necklace with lately. When I bought it, I had no outfits it went with. 🙂


It was another scorcher or I would have worn one of my pretty, short sleeved cardis with it.




The one with the funny smile. 😉


Have a great week!









Homemaking LInkup







2 thoughts on “Modest Monday: Melon Stripes

  1. How fun! I can see why you couldn’t wait to wear your new skirt. I love the color and what a terrific deal! Have a happy week!

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