Modest Monday: Lavender and Black Skirt and Cardigan


Wow! It’s been exactly a month since I last blogged! I’ve been busy, busy with a trip to the Choose Joy conference, a family wedding, a visit with our English friend while she was here, and then a visiting frenzy, two week trip to Oregon. Whew, I’m knackered!! 🙂

I’m happy to be back home with my Sweetie and trying to catch up on sleep, laundry, crafting, etc.

Anyway, I figured it’s time for another Modest Monday post…featuring this lovey skirt and pretty cardigan.


And I actually got to wear my hear down! Oregon had exceptionally nice weather while I was there, sadly for me, and there was a “rare storm” here that I missed out on. Boo hoo! : / But it was cooler on Sunday for me. 🙂



See how pretty the back of the cardy is?


Wonder of wonders, we weren’t fighting while taking the photos. Hard to have a real smile when you’re fighting! 🙂

I was feeling uncomfortable as usual about all of the lookie loos around while we take these photos though. Bleh! Just keepin’ it real folks!


On that note, my wedding ring is too snug right now, even more so with the constant warm weather and swollen fingers. So I ordered this shamrock ring to wear temporarily in it’s place, and one of the stones fell out 10 days later. I was sad to be without it during all of my traveling, as I waited for the new one to arrive. It turns out that it arrived the day I left for Oregon with my favorite cousin-in-law. Ack, so close!!

Coincidentally, when I was a teenager I designed the wedding ring I wanted, a shamrock with emeralds for the leaves and a diamond in the center, but we couldn’t find one when we got married. This comes pretty close. 🙂


Have a great week!!