Modest Monday: A Modern Victorian



It has to be time for Modest Monday, right? It’s been far too long. And this post took far too long to post today/night. But iPhoto was fighting me , and WordPress was fighting me, ugh! Had to go and live life and come back later, but here we go. 🙂


The day after Christmas we attended an “Anne of Green Gables” play, a birthday gift from my in-laws. I LOVE Anne. I AM Anne! We had so much fun!!! Us ladies in the group decided to dress sort of modern-Victorian in honor of the play, and this is the outfit I wore. I also wore it this past, muggy weekend for tea and church. So I have frizzy hair in the photos, but c’est la vie. Nothing I could co about it. 🙂





Considering the fact that I’m such a huge Anne fan, and have so much in common with her: red hair, adoption, searching to belong, loss, etc. this is only the second time I’ve been to see the play!




My Sweetie captured some nice, genuine smiles this time. 🙂




Matching cameo necklace and pale pink rose earrings from Etsy complete the vintage look.





And here is an interesting mushroom that popped up in our yard:








Are you an “Anne of Green Gables” fan?


And have you seen my other Anne themed posts HEREHERE  and HERE?



Now I need a day for an Anne marathon!! 😉






A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

Modest Monday: Blue Plaid Skirt and Boots

DSCN1094 This week I finally broke out some of my winter items. It was a  bit too warm on the way to church, but then the sun went away and it was cold enough for this outfit. Yay! I even had to add a few warmer items as we headed out for our tree. It’s so nice to have a change…and to wear my BOOTS! :> DSCN1083 I like blue and white for Christmas because they’re the original Christmas colors, as they’re Jewish colors and Jesus Christ was Jewish. :> Foot pop!! DSCN1084_2 This outfit also reminded me of the modern Anne of Greene Gables/Avonlea posts of a few weeks ago. :> You can wear this outfit for church, a Christmas party or change a few things and it can work for everyday. It’s so comfortable and easy to move around in as well. DSCN1093 DSCN1089 Skirt: Kohl’s Boots: PayLess Necklace and Black top: WalMart Cardigan: Target Earrings: ? Joy Nativity pin: Kohl’s  ( I actually have a complete set of Nativity jewelry from Kohl’s)

Bramblewood Fashion

Modern Anne and Avonlea Inspired


“Every little cove was a marvel of dancing ripples.”

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne of Green Gables, and Avonlea in general can’t help but draw in every reader to it’s quaint beauty and loveable characters. Whether feisty Anne herself, ever loyal Diana, feminine and outspoken Olivia or adventurous Sarah, they draw us to their days of old. Simpler days, filled with mishaps and blunders, along with joy and blessings, we long to experience a bit of Avonlea life for ourselves!


I definitely feel a kinship to Anne with her red hair, troubled life, desire for a family and dreams for the future. I also have a bit of Felicity (although I hate to admit it :>) and Olivia in me. I adore Olivia’s femininity and charming way about her, but I can also have that bossy, always right attitude like Felicity if I’m not careful.


After looking at the modern versions for the Bramblewood Fashion’s Avonlea Fashion Weekend, I went ahead and put together a “modern” outfit. Again, with items from my closet.  Thank you again to my Sweetie for taking the photos. We can only take them on weekends, so that has delayed my linking up for this fun event.

Find my other Avonlea posts HERE and HERE!


We went on our own adventure to our local park for these photos…and even used the old schoolhouse which reminded us of Anne’s schoolhouse.



“We’re pretty near home now. That’s Green Gables.”



Time for tea!


I’m an avid reader! My father-in-law found this lovely “old” copy of “Anne of Green Gables” with lovely, sweet illustrations.



“Carrots! Carrots!”

Oh how I tired of the “clever” red hair jokes as a kid!






“Anne laid her fresh young cheek next to Marilla’s”


I grew up in the big city of Portland, but I’m actually a small town girl at heart. And if that small town includes beautiful trees, lakes homes and people, all the better!

Thank you to Bramblewood Fashions for this charming visit to Avonlea, for even just a short while.

Welcome Home Wednesdays

pleated poppy


More Turn of the Century Inspired Fashion


If you saw my “Anne of Green Gables Inspired” post with host Bramblewood Fashion, here are my other inspirations from the same era, from the recesses of my closet!

My hair had had it by this point. The third outfit, after church and a long lunch with friends…

I picked up this wonderful cape somewhere awhile back. I KNEW it was a great find! If you think there may be a possibility you’ll dress up for some event, take advantage of the fashion trends that echo the past, like this one!! Most/all of my costume pieces are modern reproductions!


The skirt is just a modern maxi skirt from Kohl’s? Shoes and hat from the thrift store, blouse from Mervyn’s. Oh where have you gone, my favorite store?!


The hat didn’t actually seem quite right in the end, but here it is.



I bought two of these skirts last year from Kohl’s on clearance in different colors. I knew they were a great find!


And switched my hair from a braid as Anne, to a bun.



I love dressing up, especially in historical costumes! :>



Anne of Green Gables Inspired Fashion: Young Anne


Last week, Bramblewood Fashion hosted an Avonlea Fashion weekend. I found out 2 days before the event and didn’t have a chance to pull it all together and join in, so I rummaged through my closet and wrangled my Sweetie as the photographer and dove in this weekend!

I came to the party late, although I did read some of the books as a kid or teenager, but when the first film came out late in high school, I was SOLD!!!

I knew I had some options for the time period, as we have a local historical even of the same era, but matching an outfit with a character from one of  the shows was a bit trickier. I always loved Aunt Olivia’s outfits from Avonlea, but didn’t seem to have anything to recreate one of hers. Then I found this favorite of Anne and decided to recreate it with my own items. At least I’m already a redhead!! More auburn these days as I’m aging, than her strawberry blond, but close enough! :>


I found this grainy image through a search and then images. It may have been from Fan Pop.

“Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It’s splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.”


I found ths wonderful wool cardigan with fun flowers at a thrift store over 10 years ago and I just love it! It seemed to fit the bill for Anne’s cardigan. The skirt is from Kohl’s on clearance last year. I bought two different patterns! I bought a few tops from different stores with a turn of the century look and this one from my old favorite Mervyn’s seemed the best. The boots are from a garage sale at least 10 years ago.


I went through my stash of ribbons and added one to my braid.


And I forgot my pearl necklace!

I’ve been an Anne fan for a long time, as I was adopted and a redhead. I understood her fears and longings to belong, her desire for family, and most of all, for love. I cried with her and laughed with her. Secretly, I actually preferred Diana’s clothes to hers most of the time. But her character and personality is the one I’ve always related to, as well as Aunt Olivia’s from the Avonlea series.

This was a super fun idea, and I have a couple of more outfits inspired by the era more than the shows, so keep your eyes open!

